Campaign Manager - Campaigns

Creating and Editing Campaigns in Campaign Designer

Create A New Campaign

In Campaign View, click the New Campaign button and select the required option from the drop-down list:

Start from Scratch - A blank campaign containing an Audience element. Allows you to create a customized Campaign from scratch.
Email Now - Provides a basic starting point for sending a single email creative to recipients in a targeted audience.
Email and Follow Up - Set up and send an initial email to recipients in a targeted audience. Different follow up emails are sent to recipients based on their response to the initial email.
Inbound Event Loop - Set up and send emails to recipients triggered by the occurrence of a specific event, for example, known customers who have dropped items from their basket.
Customer split - Splits recipients into two groups using an If Branch element. Allows you to add some personalization by setting variables prior to sending the Email creative. For example, each of the split audiences will receive a different offer code in the same email.

You are now ready to create your Campaign.

To Edit an Existing Campaign

In the Campaign View , select the required Campaign and click the Open button.

If the Open button is disabled (grayed out), you do not have permission to access the campaign.

Note: The Campaign will open in the screen in which it was created. This means if you open a Campaign Manager campaign, the Campaign Manager screen opens; if you open a Campaign Designer campaign, the Campaign Designer screen opens.

You can now make changes to your Campaign.

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